A series of posters embracing Chinese/Asian childhood nostalgia and cultural advocacy.
Proudly presented and displayed at Northeastern University's 2022 Asian-American Heritage Month (AAHM) art show.
"Love" touches on the unspoken care in many Asian & Asian/American households in cut fruit/acts of service. This work lives as my tribute to my grandmother and to all who understand that love comes in many different shapes and forms.
"Love" touches on the unspoken care in many Asian & Asian/American households in cut fruit/acts of service. This work lives as my tribute to my grandmother and to all who understand that love comes in many different shapes and forms.
"Enjoy!" celebrates Asian-American snacks and childhood nostalgia in regards to overcoming discrimination and judgement from others for being "different". Snack on!
"Enjoy!" celebrates Asian-American snacks and childhood nostalgia in regards to overcoming discrimination and judgement from others for being "different". Snack on!
"Thank You, Speak Up" is an ode to the humble takeout bag but with a twist. Identity is such an important part of culture, and being proud of your background is no exception.
"Thank You, Speak Up" is an ode to the humble takeout bag but with a twist. Identity is such an important part of culture, and being proud of your background is no exception.

This project stemmed from a Graphic Design studio brief in creating promotional material for a chosen cultural event.
The PingXi Sky Lantern Festival is a beautiful event which I have fond memories of from childhood, which I intertwined with modern Chinese design, references to Chinese calligraphy alignment, and an experimental grid system for my typography.
Based off of Chinese graphic designers, such as Can Yang, as well as Japanese stationary, I experimented with different calendar grids to best communicate event dates.

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